Heating Hell in My Eletre

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So I've been cruising in my Eletre since December of last year, and the heating system has been a wild ride of frustration from the get-go. Lotus did a thermostat swap, but the heating gremlins are still partying. They’re pointing fingers at some mysterious software bug, but come on, this has been dragging on for months! Is anyone else stuck in this heating nightmare? Any secret hacks or tips to finally get Lotus to sort this out? I'm about to lose my cool here!
I have the exact same problem.

I took delivery of my Lotus Electre in May 2024, from the very first week I noticed that the heater just does not work, the A/C is fine but the car will just not heat.

I took my car in to Lotus Eastleigh in the first week and they stated they could not find a problem with the heater, as it was the summer months I stuck with it but the issue was just starting to bother me, so I returned the car for a week around a month later where I was given a loan car for a week.

After collecting the car they had said they had run some temperature sensors tests and they all check out fine, even when i was sat in the car with the technician he said it does seem cold and I was advised to turn off the A?C when trying to heat the car, quite what advice this is baffles me.

I decided that enough was enough and i returned the car for the third time leaving the car with Lotus Eastleigh for over a month, the car is still there and they simply cannot/dont know how to fix the issue, they just keep saying the temperature sensors are stating there is nothing wrong with the heater (whilst sat there freezing in the car on high setting)

The fact is that Lotus do not know how to fix this issue and I am still expected to pay for the monthly lease payments whilst driving an inferior hire car.

I am now seeking legal advice and exploring the option of exiting the lease which I feel is in breach of contract, that said i have given them the option of putting me in another Electre of exact or higher specification.

To pay over £110,000.00 for a car without a heater is a disgrace and i would urge Lotus to cease production until this mess is sorted out

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